Saturday, May 25, 2013

Knowing where I stand

Jared is a Super hero fan.  His uncle has hooked him up with some toys, and a custom built Batman city.  His Oma has fashioned him a cape.  He has read a handful of books.  He loves his Super friends.  For the first time I let Jared watch Justice League.  For countless reasons I was against this, but I also knew he would love it.  Seeing as Jared at most gets 30 minutes of TV a day, I decided this weekly 30 minutes couldn't corrupt him too much.  He LOVED iit.  
At dinner he made a proclamation, "When I grow up I am going to be a Super friend."  And so went the conversation...

Me: As long as you always try your hardest you can be anything you want to be.  
Jared: I'm going to be Superman.
Me: Will you bring me flowers when you see me?
Jared: No, I'm going to be pretty busy with Batman catching bad guys.
Me: Will you come and visit?
Jared: No, it's a lot of work catching bad guys.  I won't have time.
Me: maybe on your vacations you can come see me.
Jared: No, I will be with Batman.  I will be all grown up.
Me: But I'm your mom, won't you want to see me?
Jared: not really.
Me: Won't you miss me? I would miss you.
Jared: I would be with Batman.
Me: Can you send me a postcard or email?
Jared: If I have time.  I will be busy catching the bad guys. I will email you.
Me: Will you come home for Christmas?
Jared: Yes.

So, now he plans to be home for Christmas.  I'll really be screwed if he becomes best friends with Santa Claus when he is busy catching bad guys.  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Let's Go Fly a Kite

A commentary on kites.

Jared for Easter received a Lightning McQueen Kite.  I have it on good authority from the Easter Bunny that it cost about $5.  It was going to be a perfect first kite, cheap and plasticky.  It was a slight step up from a garbage bag and some sticks.  

Due to unseasonably cold weather it took us awhile to get out the kite.  Once we did, I was a little confused why I got a straw.  Well instead of the el-cheapo plastic rods, you now get a straw.  You then blow up the kite.  I am not really sure if it is blown up if it is still considered a kite. Is it now a balloon?  Balloons you fill with air.  I believe by pure definition it is not a kite.  I digress.

So, I blow up this kite and Jared is all thrilled.  McQueen is huge, and that is all that really matters.  The little string holder thing is extremely little.  There's cheap, and then there's really cheap.  We attach the string and attempt to fly.  No success.  It was not an extremely windy day.  We try again another day, but never have luck.  It also is never super windy when we try.

Today was super windy.  Super.  We pull it out, it takes off and crash lands.  I believe the maximum flying time was 3 seconds.  The thing flips and falls.  I think to myself, "Oh my gosh, is it possible I forgot how to fly a kite?  Am I forgetting a step?  What am I do wrong?  I am a kite flying failure."  Jared tells me he doesn't want to do kite anymore.  Who can blame him?  

After dinner we are back outside.  Mark notices the windy day, and decides to try the kite.  Perhaps he has the secret skill.  Maybe he remembers what is needed to be successful at kite flying.  I watch.  The kite wants to fly in the wind, but is unable a to go without crash landing shortly after take-off.  The kite keeps flipping over and falling.  Because, it isn't really a kite, it's a balloon.  The good news is it appears I can buy a kite for $9, but there won't be Lightning McQueen on it.  I guess if Jared wants to see McQueen fly, I'm going to need a white Hefty garbage bag and a red Sharpie.  

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Water box

Finally, the cold weather moves out!  Today was another extreme, heat.  Although I gladly welcomes the 88 degree day, it did seem stifling hot.  What better way to celebrate the heat then with the sprinkler.  Jared loved it, and the squeals of enjoyment could be heard by anyone passing by. I realized this was not going to be ideal for Colton.  So, I brought out our water box.  It is our inexpensive box of happiness.  I use a large flat Rubbermaid box.  It is filled with some extra bath toys, some cleaned out food containers, and water. This box brought Colton a good hour of happiness.  I am sure it will get more mileage in the months to come.  Once I shut off the sprinkler, Jared found himself playing and cooling down with Colton.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Math Readiness

Every new parent hears from many people the benefits of reading to their child. As a Reading Specialist, I cannot stress enough the benefit of reading.
I don't recall anyone telling me to practice Math with my children on a daily basis. However, I have read several articles stressing the importance of Math, just like Reading. As schools shift their focus back to Math, children need to be doing "math readiness" just like they have been preparing for reading. We have been working with Jared every night at bedtime. We had noticed that his math skills were not at the same level as his Reading. It has been challenging to come up with math things to do. So, in an effort to help others, I am sharing some of our "math readiness" ideas.

1. Number cards for number identification. We started with 1-10. After those are automatic, keep adding in more numbers.
2. Estimation bag. We have a bag that is filled with very random items (q-tips, dominos, cars, & pasta). First estimate and then count to see.
4. Dice that have more than 6 sides. We roll the nice and count out that many number using small objects.
5. Chutes and Ladders. Number identification and counting. Perfect. To include more numbers can pull number cards instead of using the spinner. Gets you counting more than 6 and speeds up the game.
6. Memory. Matching indirectly builds those math skills.
7. Measuring. Use a ruler to measure. Measure to nearest inch. Can build in estimating too.
8. Skip counting. Count by twos/10s/5s
9. Days of the week and months of the year. Lots of cute songs make this easy.
10. Money! Kids love it. Money identification.
11. Clock. Melissa and Doug makes great wooden Clock. Start with focusing on the hour hand.
12 Puzzeles. Again, indirectly builds math skills.
13. Number writing. Can use something like a mega doodle to write numbers.  Or turn out the lights and use a flashlight on the ceiling.  
14. War.  Great way to teach less and more.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Moon shine

I was running late to pick up the boys from daycare. So, I was hoping to quickly run in and out of daycare. I first ran to Jared's room, snatched his coat, but was greeted at the door by his teacher. I figured she was going to thank me for the bagel breakfast I brought in for the staff. She did not. She usually is very cheerful and easy going. Her tone suggested otherwise.
I have never been on the receiving end of negative comments about Jared, so I was not quite prepared for her update. Apparently Jared (when he was outside!) decided to take off his pants/underwear. Two other kids did it first, and Jared decided it was funny so he did it too. The teacher stressed she really only thought Jared did it because the other kids were doing it.
I did my best to fight back laughter to give a stern look to Jared. By the time we were in the car Jared was telling me all about other kids showing him their butt. I quickly determine that this might just be the time to have a more serious talk. Plus, we are running behind schedule. Solution: After dinner Mark and Jared sat down to have an important talk. I wasn't really passing the buck to Mark. I figured they could talk about keeping their guy parts covered and Mark is much better at doing all of this with a straight face. You really have to know your strengths and weaknesses in parenting. Keeping a straight face is my weakness. Especially when it comes to mooning.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Tooth drama part 2

Parents across the world are pulling their child's teeth out. I am not the squeamish type, so I was not concerned about my role in pulling out the boys' teeth. Of course, I was assuming I would be given this duty when Jared was around 6. Perhaps I wasn't mentally prepared, perhaps I didn't do my research, but I could not pull out Jared's tooth.

After 6 days of a loose tooth Jared was drinking his juice, and came running over. His tooth had clearly got knocked more. I could see the root. I had no clue how it was still attached. Jared said he wanted it out. So, it was time. I got ready to put my fingers in Jared's mouth and started crying. I felt so bad that this had happened to him and it was not his fault. I quickly tried to pull myself together. I went in for the pull, but found it far more slippery than I had expected. Plus it is tiny. I had no clue how I was suppose to hold it, let alone hold and pull. Time for a break.

I called my best friend, and got some essential advice: Kleenex. Armed with my new tool, I tried again. Again, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. It was more of an emotional struggle for me than anything else. No problem, Dad would be home soon. He could do it. Except he couldn't bring himself to do it either. We all figured it would come out at dinner. It didn't.

The next morning we headed to the dentist. Great, he can do it. He IS a dentist after all. This should be a cake walk. After all, by this point you see almost the entire root. He didn't pull it. Didn't want to make Jared upset. Thanks. At this point when Jared is eating it is going upwards a full 180 degrees. It is quite impressive that it is staying. But all good things must come to an end. So, Mark realized he was going to have to be the one. A simple yank, and it was out.

It wasn't so easy for me to pull out the tooth. When Jared asked if it would hurt, I didn't know what to tell him. His tooth was dead. Turns out it didn't hurt, and he was happy to have it gone. How parents do this, I do not know. What if I did hurt him? I would feel terrible if I added to his pain. It was such an unfortunate situation.

Maybe it will be easier with his his next tooth. I guess I will find out. Looks like the other tooth only has a few more days before its time has come.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Tooth drama part 1

The quick story. Jared has his top front two teeth broken right below the gum line by being pushed by a "friend" at daycare. The saga of the loose tooth brings up many points. So this is the first in my tooth drama series.

Explaining tooth loss to a 3 year old is not easy. There are many reasons why you should lose your tooth when you are 3 years old. The least obvious reason, but perhaps a significant reason is the explaining that is involved. In the course of a week there have been some humorous moments.

Day 1 (teeth are loose and questionable)

Me: Jared I think your teeth will fall out
Jared: (BIG gasp and mouth hangs open)
Me: don't worry you will get another tooth
Jared: huh?

Day 6 (tooth is dangling)
Me: The good news is when you lose a tooth the tooth fairy comes.
Jared: Huh?
Me: We will put your tooth in a pillow and she will take it and leave a treat.
Jared: but I like my pillow.
Me: She won't take the pillow
Jared: Why does she want my tooth?
Me: it is her job. And she leaves a treat.
Jared: What?
Me: maybe money
Jared: I don't like money.
Me: but you might like a treat.
Jared: maybe.

Day 7 (trip to dentist. One of the teeth is on its last leg. The other tooth is just a little lose)
Me: Jared, the dentist said you are going to lose both teeth.
Jared: How? Only one is unbuckled.

Rachel (3 year old niece in Face time with Jared): Jared I want to go to dentist so they can take out my tooth too and the tooth fairy can come.

Jared: I think the pillow should be outside the room. I don't want that tooth person to come too close to me while I am sleeping.