Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tooth Drama Part 3, the Final Chapter...I hope

Jared has been participating in summer soccer.  It has been quite a bit of fun, and is an enjoyable 30 minutes in the evening.  Today's soccer was moved inside.  The decision was made early this morning due to field conditions.  Too bad, it's a lovely night.  

We drove separate to minimize the time Colton would have to be entertained.  I am helping Colton toddle into the building, and one of the coaches is asking to office for an accident report.  I'm sure it isn't Jared, but I suppose if I had thought about it, I should have assumed it was.  Colton and I continue toddling to the gym.  We get there and there is no Jared and no Mark.  Ah oh!  Crap.

I find them coming out of the bathroom.  Things don't look broken, whew.  Mark tells me it is his tooth.  He fell on the gym floor.  Hard.  Knocked his second tooth right out.  He has a bum lip, and lots of blood.  He tries to play soccer, but you can tell his heart isn't in it.  Towards the end of soccer, the coach has them all sit down.  When standing up, him and another kid knock heads.  He has a red mark/bump under his eye.  Kid can't catch a break.  

All the while, Colton has decided he is now going to walk without help.  He walks the gym length with no help.  So, I am trying to smile and applaud Colton, and give Jared the sympathy he needs.  Talk about feeling bipolar.  

I'm am officially not an indoor soccer fan.  Too dangerous.  I also feel bad for Jared.  The tooth fairy is pretty neat, but she just isn't cool enough to help lift his spirits.  

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