Jared got a bike for his 4 year old birthday. Jared has never been a big fan of toys. He always thinks he wants toys, but no matter how positive I am that he will love it, within a day or two the toy is forgotten. Since Jared was turning 4, it seemed like time to buy a bike. However, I was prepared for the fact he would just pretend to like it.
After much debating we went with a 18 inch wheel. Not that this is relevant to the story, but buying a bike for a tall 4 year old is tricky. After seeing Jared on the bike, it is a perfect fit.
Jared quickly took to the bike. I quickly learned that chasing after him on a bike was more work than chasing after him on a tricycle. Time for me to get down and dust off my two wheeler.
In the afternoon, we were ready to go on a real bike ride. And boy did we go. After 30 minutes of riding, I finally convinced Jared to take a break and check on Colton and Dad. I also played switch-a-roo and got dad on the bike.
After another 30 minutes of riding, Mark and Jared appear around the corner. I am beginning to think we have turned a new leaf, and he finally has a toy that was worth every penny. It has already been 60 minutes of fun. Wohoo! As I look at Jared I notice he is moving slow, but what do you expect after 60 minutes. After he sees me, he stops and gets off his bike. Strange he isn't riding home. Then I see the blood pooling at the knee. Apparently he fell a ways back, and had to hop back on to get home. Mark reported there were tears when he fell, but there were no tears now. He was being tough.
It was a classic scrape. Pretty much a good old cement rug burn. We got him bandaged, and had dinner. While making dinner, I felt disappointment. I know Jared. He isn't going to want to do this again. He is only going to remember the fall. Just when I though I might get my money worth out of a toy, this happens. Perhaps in the Spring it will be a fresh start and he will have new spirits about the bike.
Then, much to my surprise, after dinner Jared asks to go for another bike ride. So, we go again. We go REALLY slow as he is super cautious, but we go. For half an hour we go. And despite falling two times, there were no more scratches. I keep the hope alive that this toy is the winner.
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