Friday, February 15, 2013

What are they thinking?

This evening I noticed Jared had decided his stool was just not high enough. So, he made this

He was busy working on moving the clingers around. Yes, I realize the many consequences that could have happened as he stood on this contraption, but he was playing happily by himself. So, I did what any sane parent would do, let him be.

Well, the next thing I know I see him sitting on this contraption. However, something is not quite right. He had his pants and underwear down as if this were a toilet. What?#*! I ask him what he is doing, he replies he doesn't know. How do you not know what you are doing? Keep in mind, this is all as pictured. So he is sitting against the window at the front door. I know you are thinking i am overreacting, and that no one actually got mooned. True. But less than a minute after I discovered him, the pizza for dinner showed up.

What will he think up next?

1 comment:

  1. Indeed! Their little minds are racing all of the time. Does make the rest if us chuckle,though. JZ
