Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tooth Drama Part 3, the Final Chapter...I hope

Jared has been participating in summer soccer.  It has been quite a bit of fun, and is an enjoyable 30 minutes in the evening.  Today's soccer was moved inside.  The decision was made early this morning due to field conditions.  Too bad, it's a lovely night.  

We drove separate to minimize the time Colton would have to be entertained.  I am helping Colton toddle into the building, and one of the coaches is asking to office for an accident report.  I'm sure it isn't Jared, but I suppose if I had thought about it, I should have assumed it was.  Colton and I continue toddling to the gym.  We get there and there is no Jared and no Mark.  Ah oh!  Crap.

I find them coming out of the bathroom.  Things don't look broken, whew.  Mark tells me it is his tooth.  He fell on the gym floor.  Hard.  Knocked his second tooth right out.  He has a bum lip, and lots of blood.  He tries to play soccer, but you can tell his heart isn't in it.  Towards the end of soccer, the coach has them all sit down.  When standing up, him and another kid knock heads.  He has a red mark/bump under his eye.  Kid can't catch a break.  

All the while, Colton has decided he is now going to walk without help.  He walks the gym length with no help.  So, I am trying to smile and applaud Colton, and give Jared the sympathy he needs.  Talk about feeling bipolar.  

I'm am officially not an indoor soccer fan.  Too dangerous.  I also feel bad for Jared.  The tooth fairy is pretty neat, but she just isn't cool enough to help lift his spirits.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

There's a Monster in my room

When Jared began sleeping in a big boy bed, I had many warnings from friends and coworkers.  "Be prepared," they warned.  "Some night you will feel a little finger tapping your shoulder in the middle of the night.  So, when we made the transition I was ready.  To our dismay, Jared would not get out of bed without permission.  Not even a friend falling on the floor that he easily could have retrieved himself prompted him to get out of bed.  He would call or scream for us, but never got out of bed on his own.  We have enjoyed a good 16 months of this.
A few weeks ago, Jared began to test the waters.  Shortly after bedtime he was found in the bathroom, pooping.  Well, you got to do what you got to do.  A few nights later we heard his bedroom door open.  We ran to quickly send him back to bed and remind him he needed to call for us.  There have been no further mishaps.
Then, there was last night.  Jared appeared next to our bed at 3:30.  He was attempting to climb into bed with us.  He was prepared too.  He had his pillow, Buzz Lightyear, snot rag, and blankie.  There was some super loud thunder, so I assumed this had started him.  Feeling confused myself, it was 3:30 in the morning, we prepared the comforter for him to sleep on.  I went to his room to grab a blanket and noticed he had closed his bedroom door.  I wondered how long it took him to gather his things and make the journey down the hall.  
When the alarm went off at 5:30, I escorted Jared and all his things back to his bed.  He seemed disappointed, but didn't complain too much.
When Jared finally woke up for the morning he was talking lots about the guy with one eye.  Thank you Mike Wazowski!  Something about dark hands, climbing out from under his bed, and moving his stuff around.  Great, first trip to the movies leaves us with our first real nightmare.  Awesome.

Now, here comes the challenge: How in the world do you explain a dream to a 3 year old?  Oh, I'm sure you can think of very logical explanations.  However, every last explanation you offer is analyzed, and picked apart by the 3 year old.  He was convinced good old Mike was in his room.  Forget the logical explanations, try illogical explanations.  Still not making any sense to him.  We call the grandparents to get some reinforcements that dreams are just silly and NOT real.  I'm not sure he is buying it.  Now he is jealous that my mom had a swimming pool in her bedroom, and my dad went flying with Superman.  

I do have him convinced tonight he can dream about Batman.  He seems pretty excited that Batman is coming to his house.  We wants to stay up to play with Batman. He even said he would change out of his pajamas. I'm not sure my strategy will work.  I debate about having Batman call us (my brother), but not sure what Batman would say.  

I debate about buying the Sully from the Disney store that I pried out of Jared's hands yesterday.  Maybe I could sell it as a "protector" and "if you see Mike again he probably just wants to play with Sully."  

I decide to just wait and see what happens.  I'm sure I will be up throughout the night listening,  waiting.  

Monday, June 24, 2013

Where are the pickles?

As a former picky eater (ok, maybe still have a refined pallet), I can sympathize with Jared who seems to be slightly picky eater.  He hates most sweets.  Chocolate? Forget it.  Cake? No chance.  Ice cream? Too cold.  Donuts?  No thank you.  He does enjoy some good old plain butter cookies, or peanut butter cookies, or nilla wafers.  If he is feeling adventures he might have a lick or two of a lollipop.  
On the other hand, he does really well eating just about every fruit you give him.  I am impressed to see him even eat pineapple (ick!).  He likes a variety of vegetables too.  They just have to be cooked.  The other day he chewed down all his peas before starting anything else (double ick!).  He still turns away from asparagus.  I even told him it would make his pee smell funny, but that apparently was not enticing.

Colton appears to be the polar opposite.  Give that kid a steak and he will gobble it down.  Sweets, no problem.  I have to pry wrapped candy out of his crying little hand.  However, the peas and carrots seem to look better on the floor.  Fruit is good for mushing with your hands.  I have done the same with both kids, but apparently the fruits and veggies will be an uphill battle with Colton.

A week ago, I saw a sweet 2 year old eating pickles like they were cookies.  How do these parents do it?  Really, Jared would be having a cow if there was a pickle within a 5 foot radius of his plate.  And then there are the kids that love raw broccoli.....1. Who even likes raw broccoli?  2.  How is your child able to eat raw broccoli?

I have tried some reasoning with Jared.  All illogical, but hopefully convincing.  "It will make you grow big and strong."  "You will be strong like super man."  Or a classic from my father, "It will make hair grow on your chest."  With Colton I clap if he just touches a fruit/veggie.  He seems pretty proud of himself too, and stops to clap and goes back to gnawing on his pork chop.  

I suppose in the end it will work out.  I have grown up to eat things I never would have dreamt of touching.  But, if its just the same to you, save me a scoop of vanilla ice cream.  

Monday, June 10, 2013

Don't mess with Mickey

Jared is a HUGE Mickey Mouse fan.  Yes, he is becoming obsessed with Batman and Superman, but he still loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  I'm sure we have seen every episode at least a dozen times.He is such a believer that the other day at dinner he mentioned he hasn't seen a giant around here recently.  Hmm..go figure.

Awhile ago we had recorded "The Three Mouseketeers."  We finally started watching it.  Jared asked so many questions my head hurt.  Towards the end of the movie, Pete captures Mickey and puts him in chains in the dungeon.  I look over and streams of tears are falling down Jared's cheeks.  Through the tears he painfully asks what will happen to Mickey.  In his world, I am sure Jared is wondering how anyone could do something to such a lovable mouse.  I say, "Maybe someone will save him."  Jared perks up a bit and responds, "Maybe a super friend."

Before long Mickey is rescued.  Shocking, I know.  Of course, Mickey still has to go get Pete and rescue Minnie Mouse.  I start making dinner.  I am willing to live in suspense, not knowing how this will end.  The next thing I notice is there is a bang and the TV is vibrating.  Apparently, Jared intended to defend Mickey's honor and clocked Pete.  Fortunately, the TV and Jared survived this incident.  Even more fortunate, Mickey took care of Pete before Jared had to finish the job he started. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Who's on 1st?

Jared completed his first attempt at T-ball.  He had six Saturdays that he went to learn the basics and play some mini games.  This past Saturday was his last session.  I was going to take Jared and they were going to play a game.  I believe my hand slapped my forehead at least a dozen times.  

Jared is up to bat and hits the ball.  Well "hit" would be a gross exaggeration.  Let's just say the ball was tapped off the T.  Off he ran to 1st base. Next batter is up.  Instead of running to 2nd, Jared is running in the outfield.  I tell him to go the other way, he runs back to home plate.  Next time his team is up to bat, he is on 2nd and it is last batter.  He is told to run home.  He cuts through the center of the field and runs to home plate.  When Jared is up to bat, he takes the T and starts dancing with it.  

Then there was the challenge of playing outfield.  I sympathize that it is boring to watch the ball. However, 9 times out of 10 Jared had no clue where the ball was.  When he was the second base men, he got upset anytime someone stepped on the base, because he was there first.  When he was third base man, he played in the sand and had no clue what was happening.  

Just when I think things are getting better, Jared is running into home.  The coach is telling him to touch home plate.  Jared is looking at her like she is crazy.  There was no way he was going to touch home plate.  

Next up: soccer.