Friday, November 1, 2013

This is the word of The Lord

Jared loves to play church.  Upon discovering Mark's old youth Bible, Jared was more equipped to read the scripture.  What transpired was quite interesting and entertaining.

Jared: God gave us a star, so when we look at it we will think of him.  (I don't know where he gets this from, but it was touching)
God does NOT want us to hit others.  No guns!  And no pushing.  God did not make us so we could hurt others.  (So, I guess he was paying attention when I was lecturing him about guns)  
God does not want us to be naughty.  Farting is naughty.  God does not want that. (God is not going to be happy with me)

Jared is then hit with a moment of true inspiration.

Jared: God does not want Mommies and Daddies to yell at their little boys.  No matter what the little boy does.  It makes Jesus so sad to hear a Mommy or Daddy yell at their little boy.  No more yelling at little boys.  This is what the Bible says.

Thanks be to God.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Do you promise to tell the whole truth?

As dutiful parents Mark and I have attempted to teach our children morals.  Stealing is wrong, hitting is terrible, talking about farts at dinner, although funny, is not appropriate.  Recently we have noticed Jared trying to be sneaky: toys slipped in his pocket at nap time, sneaky extra blanket into bed and hiding it behind his bear, slipping toys into bed.  
Tonight I saw Jared sneaking out of Colton's room holding a diaper.  It was a clear sneak.  It didn't take a lot of Sherlock Holmes work to discover the diaper was hidden under his pillow.  Not what I was expecting.  
As we are getting ready for bed I remind Jared that in our family we don't keep secrets from each other.  I ask if there is any secret I need to know about.  Thankfully,  he spills the beans.  Curiosity gets the best of me, and I ask, "Why?"  
He wanted to wear a diaper.  It's been over a year and a half since he last wore a diaper.  So, I press on, "but why?"
He wants to see what it feels like.  So there I sit, feeling confused, but determined to be supportive.   I am trying to teach him to not keep secrets, so I can't very well ridicule this idea.  On the other hand, it's a little bit crazy.
We agreed, tomorrow he can try on a diaper, and he can always tell Mom and Dad everything, no matter how ridiculous it is.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Don't trust the eyes

It has been brought to my attention on numerous occasions that Colton has very nice, big, blue eyes.  We have sat along parade routes and had people in the parade stop to point this out.  Almost everywhere we go, someone will mention it.
  In the past several months, Colton has figured out how to use his eyes to get what he wants. It doesn't matter if we are getting groceries, picking up a prescription, or eating out, I almost always have a stranger (typically an older woman) tell me he was flirting with them.  This is typically followed up with such phrases like, "what a cutie" or "such a darling."  He will do it to people he knows.  I have seen him work his charm with my brother.  
I have word to describe all of Colton's victims: suckers.  Don't get me wrong, the kid is cute.  But he knows what he is doing.
The pictures below illustrate my point.  It is a time order of events.  First he pulls off the flower, then he turns on the charm.  

 Today hew as using his magic again.  We were outside and he pulled out his Little Tikes Car.  He got behind it and pushed it down the driveway.  He seemed to be impressed with the speed it gained going down the hill, because he quickly drug it back up the driveway to try again.  This time, I saw him push extra hard as it sailed down the drive.  It was no surprise it sailed right onto the road.  Colton stopped, looked at me, said "ah-oh," and smiled a very proud smile.  He can be such a stinker, but this sucker falls for those eyes everytime and I find it impossible to not smile back.  

Monday, October 7, 2013

Busy Weekend and Simple Pleasures

At bedtime, we always have a "talk" with Jared.  The "talk time" originated as a reward at age 3 for giving up his blankie.  Usually, we discuss the joys and concerns of our day.

This past weekend was very busy.  Friday night began with Mark and Jared going to see "The Living Bible" at church.  Apparently there were even live camels and sheep.  Jared was quite taken in with the resurrection.  As he explained to me, "God made Jesus stronger than a super hero, because he woke up after he died."  Saturday morning was a 3 year old birthday party at the park district gym.  Much running around, and loud screaming ensued.  In the afternoon/evening we celebrated my birthday at the Hofbrauhaus.  There was a German band playing many polkas and waltzes.  Much dancing and loud music ensued.  Jared was in his element. Sunday was a little more relaxed.  We did make it to the library and the park. 

At bedtime, I asked Jared if he had a good weekend.  We talked about how busy we were and I listed all the different things we did. I asked him which was his favorite.  He said, "Getting the big book."
 I said, "Oh, going to see the Living Bible?" 
He clarified, "No, getting the big book from the library."  Yes, the big Star Wars Lego book from the library.  Even though he doesn't know anything about Star Wars and occasionally will play with Legos, getting this book was the highlight of his weekend.  I guess it's the little things in life.  Next weekend I'll just give him a box of paperclips and some paper and call that good enough.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Filling the Cup

The four year old birthday party is all cleaned up, new toys have been played with and cards have come down.  That means it's time for the four year old physical.  
When I made the appointment, a cup was given to us to collect first morning urine.  Yesterday, I got out the cup to remind myself it needed to be done.  Jared found much humor in the fact he would get to pee in a cup.  At bedtime, we discussed if he woke up early to call for help so he could pee in the cup.  As excited as he was about it, it is no surprise that at 4:52 he called to go potty so he could pee in the cup.  I had already decided this was a job for Daddy.  
When I saw Jared in the morning he proudly announced that he filled the cup.  He went on to explain he had more pee, but he just peed the extra pee in the toilet.  Ahh, good conversation for first thing in the morning.  
Fast forward in the day to the doctor's visit.  Jared has tagged along on all of Colton's wellness exams.  He is very familiar with the routine.  He takes the opportunity to ask, "why?"  "Why does the doctor look in my mouth?"  "Why does he move my legs?"  "Why does he take off my diaper and feel my penis?" (Never mind he doesn't wear diapers) As you can see, some answers were easier to supply than others.  
Once we are checked in at the doctor, Jared's curiosity continues.  "Why does he want my pee?"  "What happens if my pee is bad pee?"  "How do they know if I have good pee?"  "Do we get to take the extra pee home with us?"  "Do they have a big toilet back there?"  (Oh yes, much laughing when he said the word toilet)  "I'm not getting a shot, right?"  "But Colton doesn't always get a shot...why do I have to get one?"  "What?  Why do I have to have three shots?"

The actual time with the doctor was a success.  He was listening very closely.  When the doctor asked if I had any behavior concerns and I said no, Jared turned to me and smiled.  There was one part of the exam he found hysterical, I'll let you guess which part.  

Then it was time for shots.  I braced myself for all out fits of rage.  But other than a small cry on the first shot, there were no tears.  Even the doctor commented how brave he was.  I was happily surprised.  

On the way home we talked about how funny it would be to get a shot in the butt.  (Yes, much laughter ensued.)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Superhero Party

The Big 4 has arrived.  After months of playing Superheroes, I knew nothing would make Jared more happy than a Superhero Party.  After it was all done, I think my mission was accomplished.

First was the decorations. I bought a few things at the store, but find most of those to be a waste of money.  So, I made my own.  I printed out black and white pictures of Jared from this past year, and printed out colored speech bubbles.  I think it turned out really well.

I also started the tradition of making a shelf with the sign, "These are a few of my Favorite Things."  I place their favorite toys, books, games, etc. on this shelf.  It is personal touch and cost nothing.  In this case, it added to the Superhero theme.

For the party favors, I had each guest receive their own cape. Each guest was a different Superhero.  As I began planning the party, I knew nothing could be more exciting for Jared then everyone being a Superhero.

Even the adult guests got to be a Superhero.

I spent time trying to find great Superhero games.  I didn't have much luck.  So, I wrote down superpowers, and came up with some games.  Here is a link to the documents: Superhero party games

Game 1: Spiderman's Web.  I bought some cans of silly string from the dollar store. 

Game 2: Capture the Villain.  I printed out pictures of 10 villains.  I made a set for each guest.  Then I hid them.  Click  here to download the Villains.

Game 3: Shield/Frisbee Toss.  I had a stack of Frisbees and some boxes.  

Game 4: Kryptonite.  I really wanted to use Kryptonite in a game, but struggled for a good idea.  Since I already had the Villain capture I had to do something different.  So, I bough tongs from the dollar store.  I made blocks of ice using small plastic containers, and added green food coloring.  The object of the game is to move the Kryptonite from one bucket to another using the tongs.  Since the guests are all Superheroes, they can't touch the Kryptonite.  It was the kids favorite game.

Game 5: POW.  So, I didn't want actually fighting.  I figured I would just buy some punching balloons and have the kids do with them what they wanted. 

We made Bat signal Jell-O Jigglers. I had never made Jigglers before, but thought if this worked it would be pretty cool.

We made the a Captain America shield cake.

I also found lighting bolt ice cube trays.  I only had one tray.  So, I spent a week making ice cubes.  I thought they were neat.  The kids didn't even notice, but the adults did.

Well, we "Heroed up," and had a good time.  All of the effort was worth it, and Jared had a blast.  I'm sure he will remember it.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

It's 6:30 in Greenland

I have always been a pretty sound sleeper.  Having kids has changed that.  Waking all hours of the night to crying babies, makes you more aware of small sounds.  Having a sleep walking husband also makes me a littler sleeper.  I think there are times that I can still sleep pretty soundly.  Last night was one of those nights.

Around 3:30 last night I awake to Jared climbing on top of me in bed.  He scared the crap out of me.  I am so confused as to what is happening.  How did he get here?  What in the world is he doing?  What time is it?  Did I miss something?

Me: Jared, what are you doing?
Jared: I want to sleep in your bed?
Me: Huh?  What?
Jared: There is a 6 and a 3 in the front.
Me: (Looking at clock more closely) No, there is not.
Jared: Yes, there is.
Me: Look Jared, it starts with a 3.
Jared: But I want to sleep with you.
Me: Let's go potty instead.  (At 3 a.m. it seems logical to me that going potty is the same as sharing a bed)
Jared: Ok.  (At 3 a.m. it is logical to him to go potty instead of climbing into bed with mom and dad)

So, we go potty and get Jared back to bed.  I climb back into bed myself and think, how did he get so confused?  Perhaps he is taking after his father and has some sleep walking in his future.  Maybe he was just telling me what time it was in Greenland.  Tough to say.

Monday, September 9, 2013

A Few Scratches Along the Way

Jared got a bike for his 4 year old birthday.  Jared has never been a big fan of toys.  He always thinks he wants toys, but no matter how positive I am that he will love it, within a day or two the toy is forgotten.   Since Jared was turning 4, it seemed like time to buy a bike.  However, I was prepared for the fact he would just pretend to like it.

After much debating we went with a 18 inch wheel.  Not that this is relevant to the story, but buying a bike for a tall 4 year old is tricky.  After seeing Jared on the bike, it is a perfect fit.

Jared quickly took to the bike.  I quickly learned that chasing after him on a bike was more work than chasing after him on a tricycle.  Time for me to get down and dust off my two wheeler.

In the afternoon, we were ready to go on a real bike ride.  And boy did we go. After 30 minutes of riding, I finally convinced Jared to take a break and check on Colton and Dad.  I also played switch-a-roo and got dad on the bike. 

After another 30 minutes of riding, Mark and Jared appear around the corner. I am beginning to think we have turned a new leaf, and he finally has a toy that was worth every penny.  It has already been 60 minutes of fun.  Wohoo!  As I look at Jared I notice he is moving slow, but what do you expect after 60 minutes.  After he sees me, he stops and gets off his bike.  Strange he isn't riding home.  Then I see the blood pooling at the knee.  Apparently he fell a ways back, and had to hop back on to get home.  Mark reported there were tears when he fell, but there were no tears now.  He was being tough.

It was a classic scrape.  Pretty much a good old cement rug burn.  We got him bandaged, and had dinner.  While making dinner, I felt disappointment.  I know Jared.  He isn't going to want to do this again.  He is only going to remember the fall.  Just when I though I might get my money worth out of a toy, this happens.  Perhaps in the Spring it will be a fresh start and he will have new spirits about the bike.

Then, much to my surprise, after dinner Jared asks to go for another bike ride.  So, we go again.  We go REALLY slow as he is super cautious, but we go.  For half an hour we go.  And  despite falling two times, there were no more scratches.   I keep the hope alive that this toy is the winner.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Who's the Boss?

We have been going through a difficult stage with Jared.  He is definitely testing some boundaries.  He has been asserting his opinion strongly, and feels that he should be equally involved in EVERY decision.  The power struggle is getting old. 

After some thought, I came up with a new plan.  Here is how it unfolded....

Me: Jared, I notice that you like to be in charge.  Do you want to be the one in charge?
Jared: (with much excitement) YES!  
[My plan is working]
Me: Ok, tomorrow I will bring home some large boxes.  We are going to need a lot.
Jared: Great!
Me: When we get home we can start packing up all your toys.
Jared: ok
[What?  That is not the plan.]
Me:  There will be no toys left.  Mommy and Daddy don't have any toys.  So if you want to be in charge, then no toys.
Jared:  We should give them to other boys.
[Plan is failing.  Now it not the time to be charitable!]
Me:  Yes, we can give them away or throw they away.
[Perhaps throwing away will be more dramatic and work]
Jared: Ok.
[or not]
Me: We will need to call people to tell them you don't need new toys for your birthday.
Jared: Umm...Ok.
Me: or Christmas.
Jared: Right.
[What is happening?  He must really want to be in charge.]
Me: Then we will have to box up all your books and games.
Jared: Don't forget about my puzzles.
[Plan is exploding. I was not prepared for this reaction.  Time to bring in more ammunition.]
Me: and no more Batman Bear.
Jared: Nooooo.  I want him.
[Whew, plan is back on track]
Me: Oh, so you want your toys and still want to be a kid.
Jared: (very serious) Yes, I want to be a kid and have toys.
Me: So, Mom and Dad can be in charge.
Jared: Yeah, you guys are in charge.  

I guess I know who wants to be President some day.  

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

It has been a honor...

The eve of the hardest day of the year is upon me.  As the summer draws to an end, and I return to work, it is with a heavy heart that I write....

It has been a honor, Jared Alan.  It has been a honor to spend countless hours watching you play.  We excitedly sat together at 4 parades.  We cuddled together watching fireworks.  I got to see you swim underwater, and splash around the splash park.  We filled in our chart for summer reading.  I had the honor to see your face as you tried ice cream again, and still hate it.  We played Matching, Go Fish, War, Candy Land, and Chutes and Ladders. You beat me at all.  I had the privilege to see you at Build-a-Bear making Batman Bear.   We collected shells on the beach.  I sat next to you at your 1st and 2nd movie in the theater.  I saw you ride around inside a real airplane.  I answered so many questions my head hurt.  I heard so much loud singing and playing my ears hurt.  I had the honor of watching you become a loving and caring big brother.  You gently stopped a sharp rake from falling on Colton and got a broom down for him.  You helped hold his as he learned to take a first step.  You laugh with him so hard you give yourself the hiccups.  It was a honor to spend the summer with you, Jared, thank you.

It has been a honor, Colton Kent.  It has been a honor to watch you spend countless hours playing. I saw your determination as I watched you crawl down the cement sidewalk, nothing would get in your way.  It was a honor to see you take your first step.  We read many books, many times.  I had the honor to do swim lessons with you.  I held you on my lap for your first trolly ride. I chased after you as you learned to pick up candy from parades.  I watched as you played chase with Jared and laughed as he passed you.  I marveled as you played trucks In the sandbox making vroom noises.  We sang together as you tried to learn the Itsy Bitsy Spider.  Everyday you would laugh and giggle at the simple things, and it would inspire me to stop and notice how funny life can be. I carried you squirming away so much my arm hurt.  You cried so loud my ears hurt. It was a honor watching you become best friends with your brother.  You could get him to follow you into any closet to play your games.  You look to see "Where's Jared?"  You proudly marched in any parade Jared was performing. You laughed so hard with him, you gave yourself the hiccups.  I was a honor to spend the summer with you, Colton, thank you.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Spider-Man or something less Obvious

We love heading to the farmer's market.  It is filled with activities for the kids, as well as some fresh fruits and vegetables.  The only problem is the freakishly scary "characters" that appear.  We have seen Winnie-the-Pooh, Bert, Elmo, and Abby.  They aren't well done characters, but terrible knock-offs of the real ones.  As such, they appear to be the most terrifying thing in the world to Jared.  I understand where he is coming from.  However, the appearance of these characters is making the Farmer's market a bit scarier than it needs to be.  I thought we were making progress when we saw Bert, and Jared pulled out his pretend zapper and zapped him.  
Then there was this week.  Jared declared he would be Spider-Man and zap any bad guys at the market.  Great.  He woke up from his nap as Spider-Man.  He triumphantly came down the stairs proclaiming he was the real Spider-Man.  Then he dug through a basket until he found his winter hat with ear flaps, a bright blue mitten, and a brown mitten.  After he put everything I he said he was now really Spider-Man and ready to go.  
I sat starring.  I had become the mother of "that kid."  You know, the kid you can't quite figure out.  The kid you see walking around in 80 degree weather wearing a winter hat and two mismatched mittens.  To Jared he is Spider-Man, to me he was someone that would require some negotiating.  
I began with the hat.  Could we switch to baseball hat?   No.  How about baseball hat and you can wear cape.  No.  How about baseball hat and cape or we stay home.  Fine.  Now we also just need one mitten.  No.  One mitten or no activities at market.  Tears...fine.  Whew.

So, we leave the house with a bright blue mitten, baseball cap and no cape. (He forgot about cape and I wasn't going to remind him). 

We get to the market and Jared quickly learns that the mitten is not ideal. I, being the loving and thoughtful mother I am, offer to take it off for him.  Now we are down to baseball cap.  We are happily walking along and then out of nowhere pops Kung Fu Panda.  Are you kidding me?  Jared is so scared I'm surprised we didn't have a baseball hat and soaked pants.  I quickly dig out the mitten and get it on Jared.  He now has the super power to create a shield around us and zap the Panda.  

We survived.  Let's see what we will wear next week.  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Handprint Art

I love making handprint art with the boys. It is one piece of artwork that both boys can do, and actually looks like something. In the end, I have a nice collection of their handprints and footprints.
I have discovered feet are ticklish, and the hardest to do.

Jared loved making this, since he just went fishing. He also like painting the water and the sun.

Perfect for Easter.

Whoo would have thought this would be so cute?

I used yarn for the hair.

I attempted this when Colton was just a month old. I was digging green paint out between his toes for a week.

Of course. Classic.

And my favorite line up: feet art:

Step 1: Large piece of paper, tarp in garage, blobs of paint.

Step 2: Shoes off and start walking.

Step 3: Be careful, it is slippery!

Final product, complete with footprints and Colton's handprints.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tooth Drama Part 3, the Final Chapter...I hope

Jared has been participating in summer soccer.  It has been quite a bit of fun, and is an enjoyable 30 minutes in the evening.  Today's soccer was moved inside.  The decision was made early this morning due to field conditions.  Too bad, it's a lovely night.  

We drove separate to minimize the time Colton would have to be entertained.  I am helping Colton toddle into the building, and one of the coaches is asking to office for an accident report.  I'm sure it isn't Jared, but I suppose if I had thought about it, I should have assumed it was.  Colton and I continue toddling to the gym.  We get there and there is no Jared and no Mark.  Ah oh!  Crap.

I find them coming out of the bathroom.  Things don't look broken, whew.  Mark tells me it is his tooth.  He fell on the gym floor.  Hard.  Knocked his second tooth right out.  He has a bum lip, and lots of blood.  He tries to play soccer, but you can tell his heart isn't in it.  Towards the end of soccer, the coach has them all sit down.  When standing up, him and another kid knock heads.  He has a red mark/bump under his eye.  Kid can't catch a break.  

All the while, Colton has decided he is now going to walk without help.  He walks the gym length with no help.  So, I am trying to smile and applaud Colton, and give Jared the sympathy he needs.  Talk about feeling bipolar.  

I'm am officially not an indoor soccer fan.  Too dangerous.  I also feel bad for Jared.  The tooth fairy is pretty neat, but she just isn't cool enough to help lift his spirits.  

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

There's a Monster in my room

When Jared began sleeping in a big boy bed, I had many warnings from friends and coworkers.  "Be prepared," they warned.  "Some night you will feel a little finger tapping your shoulder in the middle of the night.  So, when we made the transition I was ready.  To our dismay, Jared would not get out of bed without permission.  Not even a friend falling on the floor that he easily could have retrieved himself prompted him to get out of bed.  He would call or scream for us, but never got out of bed on his own.  We have enjoyed a good 16 months of this.
A few weeks ago, Jared began to test the waters.  Shortly after bedtime he was found in the bathroom, pooping.  Well, you got to do what you got to do.  A few nights later we heard his bedroom door open.  We ran to quickly send him back to bed and remind him he needed to call for us.  There have been no further mishaps.
Then, there was last night.  Jared appeared next to our bed at 3:30.  He was attempting to climb into bed with us.  He was prepared too.  He had his pillow, Buzz Lightyear, snot rag, and blankie.  There was some super loud thunder, so I assumed this had started him.  Feeling confused myself, it was 3:30 in the morning, we prepared the comforter for him to sleep on.  I went to his room to grab a blanket and noticed he had closed his bedroom door.  I wondered how long it took him to gather his things and make the journey down the hall.  
When the alarm went off at 5:30, I escorted Jared and all his things back to his bed.  He seemed disappointed, but didn't complain too much.
When Jared finally woke up for the morning he was talking lots about the guy with one eye.  Thank you Mike Wazowski!  Something about dark hands, climbing out from under his bed, and moving his stuff around.  Great, first trip to the movies leaves us with our first real nightmare.  Awesome.

Now, here comes the challenge: How in the world do you explain a dream to a 3 year old?  Oh, I'm sure you can think of very logical explanations.  However, every last explanation you offer is analyzed, and picked apart by the 3 year old.  He was convinced good old Mike was in his room.  Forget the logical explanations, try illogical explanations.  Still not making any sense to him.  We call the grandparents to get some reinforcements that dreams are just silly and NOT real.  I'm not sure he is buying it.  Now he is jealous that my mom had a swimming pool in her bedroom, and my dad went flying with Superman.  

I do have him convinced tonight he can dream about Batman.  He seems pretty excited that Batman is coming to his house.  We wants to stay up to play with Batman. He even said he would change out of his pajamas. I'm not sure my strategy will work.  I debate about having Batman call us (my brother), but not sure what Batman would say.  

I debate about buying the Sully from the Disney store that I pried out of Jared's hands yesterday.  Maybe I could sell it as a "protector" and "if you see Mike again he probably just wants to play with Sully."  

I decide to just wait and see what happens.  I'm sure I will be up throughout the night listening,  waiting.  

Monday, June 24, 2013

Where are the pickles?

As a former picky eater (ok, maybe still have a refined pallet), I can sympathize with Jared who seems to be slightly picky eater.  He hates most sweets.  Chocolate? Forget it.  Cake? No chance.  Ice cream? Too cold.  Donuts?  No thank you.  He does enjoy some good old plain butter cookies, or peanut butter cookies, or nilla wafers.  If he is feeling adventures he might have a lick or two of a lollipop.  
On the other hand, he does really well eating just about every fruit you give him.  I am impressed to see him even eat pineapple (ick!).  He likes a variety of vegetables too.  They just have to be cooked.  The other day he chewed down all his peas before starting anything else (double ick!).  He still turns away from asparagus.  I even told him it would make his pee smell funny, but that apparently was not enticing.

Colton appears to be the polar opposite.  Give that kid a steak and he will gobble it down.  Sweets, no problem.  I have to pry wrapped candy out of his crying little hand.  However, the peas and carrots seem to look better on the floor.  Fruit is good for mushing with your hands.  I have done the same with both kids, but apparently the fruits and veggies will be an uphill battle with Colton.

A week ago, I saw a sweet 2 year old eating pickles like they were cookies.  How do these parents do it?  Really, Jared would be having a cow if there was a pickle within a 5 foot radius of his plate.  And then there are the kids that love raw broccoli.....1. Who even likes raw broccoli?  2.  How is your child able to eat raw broccoli?

I have tried some reasoning with Jared.  All illogical, but hopefully convincing.  "It will make you grow big and strong."  "You will be strong like super man."  Or a classic from my father, "It will make hair grow on your chest."  With Colton I clap if he just touches a fruit/veggie.  He seems pretty proud of himself too, and stops to clap and goes back to gnawing on his pork chop.  

I suppose in the end it will work out.  I have grown up to eat things I never would have dreamt of touching.  But, if its just the same to you, save me a scoop of vanilla ice cream.  

Monday, June 10, 2013

Don't mess with Mickey

Jared is a HUGE Mickey Mouse fan.  Yes, he is becoming obsessed with Batman and Superman, but he still loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  I'm sure we have seen every episode at least a dozen times.He is such a believer that the other day at dinner he mentioned he hasn't seen a giant around here recently.  Hmm..go figure.

Awhile ago we had recorded "The Three Mouseketeers."  We finally started watching it.  Jared asked so many questions my head hurt.  Towards the end of the movie, Pete captures Mickey and puts him in chains in the dungeon.  I look over and streams of tears are falling down Jared's cheeks.  Through the tears he painfully asks what will happen to Mickey.  In his world, I am sure Jared is wondering how anyone could do something to such a lovable mouse.  I say, "Maybe someone will save him."  Jared perks up a bit and responds, "Maybe a super friend."

Before long Mickey is rescued.  Shocking, I know.  Of course, Mickey still has to go get Pete and rescue Minnie Mouse.  I start making dinner.  I am willing to live in suspense, not knowing how this will end.  The next thing I notice is there is a bang and the TV is vibrating.  Apparently, Jared intended to defend Mickey's honor and clocked Pete.  Fortunately, the TV and Jared survived this incident.  Even more fortunate, Mickey took care of Pete before Jared had to finish the job he started. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Who's on 1st?

Jared completed his first attempt at T-ball.  He had six Saturdays that he went to learn the basics and play some mini games.  This past Saturday was his last session.  I was going to take Jared and they were going to play a game.  I believe my hand slapped my forehead at least a dozen times.  

Jared is up to bat and hits the ball.  Well "hit" would be a gross exaggeration.  Let's just say the ball was tapped off the T.  Off he ran to 1st base. Next batter is up.  Instead of running to 2nd, Jared is running in the outfield.  I tell him to go the other way, he runs back to home plate.  Next time his team is up to bat, he is on 2nd and it is last batter.  He is told to run home.  He cuts through the center of the field and runs to home plate.  When Jared is up to bat, he takes the T and starts dancing with it.  

Then there was the challenge of playing outfield.  I sympathize that it is boring to watch the ball. However, 9 times out of 10 Jared had no clue where the ball was.  When he was the second base men, he got upset anytime someone stepped on the base, because he was there first.  When he was third base man, he played in the sand and had no clue what was happening.  

Just when I think things are getting better, Jared is running into home.  The coach is telling him to touch home plate.  Jared is looking at her like she is crazy.  There was no way he was going to touch home plate.  

Next up: soccer. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Knowing where I stand

Jared is a Super hero fan.  His uncle has hooked him up with some toys, and a custom built Batman city.  His Oma has fashioned him a cape.  He has read a handful of books.  He loves his Super friends.  For the first time I let Jared watch Justice League.  For countless reasons I was against this, but I also knew he would love it.  Seeing as Jared at most gets 30 minutes of TV a day, I decided this weekly 30 minutes couldn't corrupt him too much.  He LOVED iit.  
At dinner he made a proclamation, "When I grow up I am going to be a Super friend."  And so went the conversation...

Me: As long as you always try your hardest you can be anything you want to be.  
Jared: I'm going to be Superman.
Me: Will you bring me flowers when you see me?
Jared: No, I'm going to be pretty busy with Batman catching bad guys.
Me: Will you come and visit?
Jared: No, it's a lot of work catching bad guys.  I won't have time.
Me: maybe on your vacations you can come see me.
Jared: No, I will be with Batman.  I will be all grown up.
Me: But I'm your mom, won't you want to see me?
Jared: not really.
Me: Won't you miss me? I would miss you.
Jared: I would be with Batman.
Me: Can you send me a postcard or email?
Jared: If I have time.  I will be busy catching the bad guys. I will email you.
Me: Will you come home for Christmas?
Jared: Yes.

So, now he plans to be home for Christmas.  I'll really be screwed if he becomes best friends with Santa Claus when he is busy catching bad guys.  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Let's Go Fly a Kite

A commentary on kites.

Jared for Easter received a Lightning McQueen Kite.  I have it on good authority from the Easter Bunny that it cost about $5.  It was going to be a perfect first kite, cheap and plasticky.  It was a slight step up from a garbage bag and some sticks.  

Due to unseasonably cold weather it took us awhile to get out the kite.  Once we did, I was a little confused why I got a straw.  Well instead of the el-cheapo plastic rods, you now get a straw.  You then blow up the kite.  I am not really sure if it is blown up if it is still considered a kite. Is it now a balloon?  Balloons you fill with air.  I believe by pure definition it is not a kite.  I digress.

So, I blow up this kite and Jared is all thrilled.  McQueen is huge, and that is all that really matters.  The little string holder thing is extremely little.  There's cheap, and then there's really cheap.  We attach the string and attempt to fly.  No success.  It was not an extremely windy day.  We try again another day, but never have luck.  It also is never super windy when we try.

Today was super windy.  Super.  We pull it out, it takes off and crash lands.  I believe the maximum flying time was 3 seconds.  The thing flips and falls.  I think to myself, "Oh my gosh, is it possible I forgot how to fly a kite?  Am I forgetting a step?  What am I do wrong?  I am a kite flying failure."  Jared tells me he doesn't want to do kite anymore.  Who can blame him?  

After dinner we are back outside.  Mark notices the windy day, and decides to try the kite.  Perhaps he has the secret skill.  Maybe he remembers what is needed to be successful at kite flying.  I watch.  The kite wants to fly in the wind, but is unable a to go without crash landing shortly after take-off.  The kite keeps flipping over and falling.  Because, it isn't really a kite, it's a balloon.  The good news is it appears I can buy a kite for $9, but there won't be Lightning McQueen on it.  I guess if Jared wants to see McQueen fly, I'm going to need a white Hefty garbage bag and a red Sharpie.  

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Water box

Finally, the cold weather moves out!  Today was another extreme, heat.  Although I gladly welcomes the 88 degree day, it did seem stifling hot.  What better way to celebrate the heat then with the sprinkler.  Jared loved it, and the squeals of enjoyment could be heard by anyone passing by. I realized this was not going to be ideal for Colton.  So, I brought out our water box.  It is our inexpensive box of happiness.  I use a large flat Rubbermaid box.  It is filled with some extra bath toys, some cleaned out food containers, and water. This box brought Colton a good hour of happiness.  I am sure it will get more mileage in the months to come.  Once I shut off the sprinkler, Jared found himself playing and cooling down with Colton.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Math Readiness

Every new parent hears from many people the benefits of reading to their child. As a Reading Specialist, I cannot stress enough the benefit of reading.
I don't recall anyone telling me to practice Math with my children on a daily basis. However, I have read several articles stressing the importance of Math, just like Reading. As schools shift their focus back to Math, children need to be doing "math readiness" just like they have been preparing for reading. We have been working with Jared every night at bedtime. We had noticed that his math skills were not at the same level as his Reading. It has been challenging to come up with math things to do. So, in an effort to help others, I am sharing some of our "math readiness" ideas.

1. Number cards for number identification. We started with 1-10. After those are automatic, keep adding in more numbers.
2. Estimation bag. We have a bag that is filled with very random items (q-tips, dominos, cars, & pasta). First estimate and then count to see.
4. Dice that have more than 6 sides. We roll the nice and count out that many number using small objects.
5. Chutes and Ladders. Number identification and counting. Perfect. To include more numbers can pull number cards instead of using the spinner. Gets you counting more than 6 and speeds up the game.
6. Memory. Matching indirectly builds those math skills.
7. Measuring. Use a ruler to measure. Measure to nearest inch. Can build in estimating too.
8. Skip counting. Count by twos/10s/5s
9. Days of the week and months of the year. Lots of cute songs make this easy.
10. Money! Kids love it. Money identification.
11. Clock. Melissa and Doug makes great wooden Clock. Start with focusing on the hour hand.
12 Puzzeles. Again, indirectly builds math skills.
13. Number writing. Can use something like a mega doodle to write numbers.  Or turn out the lights and use a flashlight on the ceiling.  
14. War.  Great way to teach less and more.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Moon shine

I was running late to pick up the boys from daycare. So, I was hoping to quickly run in and out of daycare. I first ran to Jared's room, snatched his coat, but was greeted at the door by his teacher. I figured she was going to thank me for the bagel breakfast I brought in for the staff. She did not. She usually is very cheerful and easy going. Her tone suggested otherwise.
I have never been on the receiving end of negative comments about Jared, so I was not quite prepared for her update. Apparently Jared (when he was outside!) decided to take off his pants/underwear. Two other kids did it first, and Jared decided it was funny so he did it too. The teacher stressed she really only thought Jared did it because the other kids were doing it.
I did my best to fight back laughter to give a stern look to Jared. By the time we were in the car Jared was telling me all about other kids showing him their butt. I quickly determine that this might just be the time to have a more serious talk. Plus, we are running behind schedule. Solution: After dinner Mark and Jared sat down to have an important talk. I wasn't really passing the buck to Mark. I figured they could talk about keeping their guy parts covered and Mark is much better at doing all of this with a straight face. You really have to know your strengths and weaknesses in parenting. Keeping a straight face is my weakness. Especially when it comes to mooning.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Tooth drama part 2

Parents across the world are pulling their child's teeth out. I am not the squeamish type, so I was not concerned about my role in pulling out the boys' teeth. Of course, I was assuming I would be given this duty when Jared was around 6. Perhaps I wasn't mentally prepared, perhaps I didn't do my research, but I could not pull out Jared's tooth.

After 6 days of a loose tooth Jared was drinking his juice, and came running over. His tooth had clearly got knocked more. I could see the root. I had no clue how it was still attached. Jared said he wanted it out. So, it was time. I got ready to put my fingers in Jared's mouth and started crying. I felt so bad that this had happened to him and it was not his fault. I quickly tried to pull myself together. I went in for the pull, but found it far more slippery than I had expected. Plus it is tiny. I had no clue how I was suppose to hold it, let alone hold and pull. Time for a break.

I called my best friend, and got some essential advice: Kleenex. Armed with my new tool, I tried again. Again, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. It was more of an emotional struggle for me than anything else. No problem, Dad would be home soon. He could do it. Except he couldn't bring himself to do it either. We all figured it would come out at dinner. It didn't.

The next morning we headed to the dentist. Great, he can do it. He IS a dentist after all. This should be a cake walk. After all, by this point you see almost the entire root. He didn't pull it. Didn't want to make Jared upset. Thanks. At this point when Jared is eating it is going upwards a full 180 degrees. It is quite impressive that it is staying. But all good things must come to an end. So, Mark realized he was going to have to be the one. A simple yank, and it was out.

It wasn't so easy for me to pull out the tooth. When Jared asked if it would hurt, I didn't know what to tell him. His tooth was dead. Turns out it didn't hurt, and he was happy to have it gone. How parents do this, I do not know. What if I did hurt him? I would feel terrible if I added to his pain. It was such an unfortunate situation.

Maybe it will be easier with his his next tooth. I guess I will find out. Looks like the other tooth only has a few more days before its time has come.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Tooth drama part 1

The quick story. Jared has his top front two teeth broken right below the gum line by being pushed by a "friend" at daycare. The saga of the loose tooth brings up many points. So this is the first in my tooth drama series.

Explaining tooth loss to a 3 year old is not easy. There are many reasons why you should lose your tooth when you are 3 years old. The least obvious reason, but perhaps a significant reason is the explaining that is involved. In the course of a week there have been some humorous moments.

Day 1 (teeth are loose and questionable)

Me: Jared I think your teeth will fall out
Jared: (BIG gasp and mouth hangs open)
Me: don't worry you will get another tooth
Jared: huh?

Day 6 (tooth is dangling)
Me: The good news is when you lose a tooth the tooth fairy comes.
Jared: Huh?
Me: We will put your tooth in a pillow and she will take it and leave a treat.
Jared: but I like my pillow.
Me: She won't take the pillow
Jared: Why does she want my tooth?
Me: it is her job. And she leaves a treat.
Jared: What?
Me: maybe money
Jared: I don't like money.
Me: but you might like a treat.
Jared: maybe.

Day 7 (trip to dentist. One of the teeth is on its last leg. The other tooth is just a little lose)
Me: Jared, the dentist said you are going to lose both teeth.
Jared: How? Only one is unbuckled.

Rachel (3 year old niece in Face time with Jared): Jared I want to go to dentist so they can take out my tooth too and the tooth fairy can come.

Jared: I think the pillow should be outside the room. I don't want that tooth person to come too close to me while I am sleeping.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

You complete me

I know I have had similar themed blogs in the past, but I am fascinated and feel honored to watch Jared and Colton's relationship grow and strengthen. Today we were playing outside. It began with Colton being Jared's shadow. If Jared was stirring the mud soup, so was Colton. If Jared moved to the kitchen, there was Colton right by his side. Colton's eyes were glued to Jared, watching and learning.
Eventually, Colton noticed the sandbox was open, and he was off. This time Jared was right at his heels. They climbed in, and Jared worked with Colton to fill a bucket of sand. As I sat back and watched I thought how much Jared has changed because of Colton. He has learned patience (most days), he has learned compassion, he has become a teacher, and most of all a good friend. The best way I could sum up their relationship was the love line from Jerry McGuire. Colton completes Jared. Just as Jared completes Colton. I hope their relationship survives all the bumps and jolts it will get throughout life and they will always know they have each other.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunshine and mudpies

After what was perhaps the longest winter, this weekend finally brought the return of sunshine and warm weather. The sandbox was cracked, and the bikes were dusted off. Colton enjoyed the new wonderland of the outdoors. A year ago, he sat passively in his bouncy seat. This year he is off exploring. We try not to think about all the gross things he had in his mouth.

Jared made his own discovery, mud. Oh yes, the boyhood wonder of sand and water. His outdoor kitchen was the perfect cooking space he needed to make us "cocoa." He mixed it, stirred it, measured it, and served it In a variety of cups, bowls, and plates. He kept himself very busy, and he carried a smile the entire time he was working. It is safe to say he spent no less than 90 minutes just in the mud. It is also safe to say that both boys earned their bath time. Welcome warm weather, we missed you.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Nice to meet you

We have been working hard to get Jared to not talk to strangers. It has been a bit of a challenge, as he always has something to say. He is finally learning, but he has found a loop hole. When we are shopping, he loves talking to the manikins.

Today we entered a store and he ran right up to the manikin and shook her hand. This is what he said to the fine lady wearing a yellow dress with a belt: (shake hand) "Hi, how are you? I'm going to need to see your belly button. (Proceed to lift dress) you are going to have to take that belt off."
My response: Jared, put her clothes down.
Jared: Ok, OHhhh, someone else (as he discovers manikin #2 with a tank top and shorts on). Hi, nice to meet you (repeat hand shake). You better get a coat. It is too cold to have those clothes on.

Now you might see why I don't want him talking to strangers.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

We all just want to belong

How early does the human instinct of having a sense of belonging begin? How early do we want to be part of a group?
Tonight I saw a one year old fulfill his need to belong. Jared was getting ready to sing. He got out his homemade choir stoles. He put one on, and proceeded to put one around Mark, and one around myself. All the while Colton was sitting back quietly observing. With one choir stohl left, Jared plopped it around Colton's neck. Colton's face instantly lit up. I'm sure it was not because his life long dream of being a "thing around their neck guy" was fulfilled. He spent time looking down at his stoles, looking up at mine, and over at Mark. He was happy to have what everyone else had. He smiled.

Jared started belting out a song, Colton took it off, threw it on the floor, and proceeded to play with a toy. We don't always have to be in the choir, but it's nice to know we can join in if we choose.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

1st birthday party ideas

With the first birthday party behind me, I thought I would share some of the ideas I used for the party.

Printed off pictures on the computer in black and white. Then printed out party hats in color. Used ribbon to string them together.

The best decorations cost no money.

Party favors: pails filled with individualized treats. With 11 kids ranging in age from 3 weeks- 13 years old, no one gift was going to work for everyone. The favors also served as a decoration. Keeping them above the counter until the end of the party, kept the little hands away too. I hope all the mom and day's are loving the recorders! You're welcome!

We saves space inside by not having the easel. Plus, it worked out as a unique welcome sign.

Argyle cake to match theme.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The bigger the mess the bigger the fun

I have always worked hard to keep the house presentable. From an early age I taught Jared how to clean up before nap, before we leave the house, and at bedtime. As Colton is approaching his one year birthday, he soon will be expected to help, as best as he can. Despite my vigilance in our clean up efforts, there are many days when I want to pull my hair out with the gigantic mess. These messes take only a matter of minutes to develop. I usually am able to tolerate them as I see the boys having fun creating and playing. Today Jared's creative play involved turning our playroom/living room into a football field and a McDonalds. He see's a football field, I see my sanity slipping away. You be the judge...

Thursday, March 28, 2013


As a young child I remember my mother scolding a grocery worker at Eagle grocery store. The clerk had questioned why I was not in school. At the time, I was only in half day kindergarten. My mom did not appreciate the question. From early on, I have anticipated having to do the same for my boys. When I was on maternity leave last spring, a clerk at Target inquired about Jared not being in school. He was TWO!
Despite being prepared for people thinking he is older than he is, today I was caught off guard. Our trip to the park started off so innocent. Colton and Jared were enjoying some time on the swings. Then two girls showed up and joined us on the swings....

Jared: Hey, you can't have a balloon at the park.
Girl #1: It's ok. Do you like my tights? How do I look in them?
Jared: Tights! What are those?
Girl #2: See how high I can swing? My birthday is in December.
Jared: What are you talking about?
Girl #1: I know how to write one word in cursive, do you?
Jared: Huh? No. What are you talking about?
Girl? #1: Are you in kindergarten?
Jared: Nooo
Girl #1: 1st grade?
Jared: Huh?
Girls #1 Preschool?
Me: He is three (tramps)
Girl #2: I am six and she is eight. Are you watching how high I am going?

Eventually, we all leave the swings. The girls run to hug Jared. Jared says, "hey, what is going on?" I would explain it to you Jared, but it is far too complicated.

Monday, March 25, 2013

A recipe for Disaster

We often find ourselves making choices as to what appears to have potential danger and stopping our kids from a potential mishap. For example, dive bombing on the couch was outlawed, and so was seeing how many stairs we could jump down at once. Today, I went against logical reasoning. Megabloks makes a small wagon to hold blocks. It just so happens it can also hold a 11 moth old. Maybe not well, but he got wedged in there. Both boys thought this was a hoot. Colton got a good 10 minute ride this morning, and another one this evening. The entire time I pictured Colton spilling over, but fortunately that never happened. They both loved it. Turns out it was safe...enough. The wagon getting caught on the end table and breaking the lamp, that I didn't see coming. Sigh.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Awhile ago someone suggested I write about how to stop kids from throwing food on the floor. I haven't taken on such a task. I thought about it, but Jared doesn't throw food on the floor. So, I don't know what to do. We have started table food with Colton. His easy going demeanor carries through to his eating habits. He doesn't cry or throw a fit if he doesn't like something. Nope. Instead, he just whips it on the floor. He is really good at eyeing a piece of cheese mixed in with his crackers. No worries, on the floor it goes. What about that small pile of spaghetti? Yep, just give it a good toss and keep eating. Mark gets frustrated, because it makes quite the mess. I find it humorous. I know all too soon he will learn that this is not acceptable behavior; this I will make sure. However, I will secretly miss the chucking of the apples.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


With a crawler on the loose, one always has to be aware of potential problems. I feel a little more prepared the second time around. I don't have to worry about moving the breakables, as I gave up on those a long time ago. I know to block the entertainment unit, and cupboards are locked. As I have mentioned before, my challenge has primarily been Jared's toys. Jared loves his scissors and glue. I fear what trouble will ensue once Colton gets ahold of them. A new battle has begun, the register vents. Jared had no interest in these. I was lucky. Unfortunately, Colton's daily task is to pull off the register vents exposing a gaping hole into the unknown world of duck work. He considers himself lucky to stumble upon one when the heat is running, an added bonus. I finally duck taped the kitchen floor one to the floor. It is a very classy look. Colton is already trying to figure out a way to conquer the tape and reclaim the vent. To my knowledge no toy has gone missing. I fear it is only a matter of time before one of the annoying sound toys gets stuck in the on position and is noisily playing "pop goes the weasel" in the floor of our house.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Please pass the IPhone?

Tonight we ventured out for dinner. Always nice to get out of the house and do something different. Both kids seem to enjoy the change of pace. Let's take a second and think of objectives for eating out:
1. Eating
2. Less clean up
3. Good times

Looking around this busy restaurant, it seemed other families had the same objective. However, their interpretation of good times, and mine are different. Seated next to us was a family with an infant and a 3 year old. The 3 year old was consumed with her mother's iPhone as they waited for dinner. They were not the only family letting their kids use their phone as entertainment. As we waited for dinner, we all talked as a family. Jared ate just as fast as always, and was ready to go. He had his coat on and was getting restless. I could have solved all my problems by passing Jared my iPhone. Instead, I had Jared sit on my lap (it was really loud at the restaurant) and we talked about the basketball game. This conversation turned into a discussion about college and which how he was going to get to college. We talked about Mommy and Daddy taking him to college someday. He seemed concerned about having a big chair for college. I have no clue what he was referring to. Suddenly, dinner was done and it was time to go.

Tonight at dinner, I ate, didn't have to worry about Cheerios on floor, and had a good time conversing with the family. I am glad I decided to not pass the iPhone.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The truth...even when you don't want to hear it

Last week I had some skin cancer removed from my nose. As expected, my nose looks pretty bad with stitches and blood. After the first day, Jared asked if he could see under the bandaid. I showed him. He said, "that's disgusting."
A week has gone by, and I thought it was looking a little bit better. I guess I needed a reality check, because I asked Jared if my nose looked any better. He looks at my nose, pauses, thinks, and then says, "It still looks icky."

I appreciate the honesty. I catch Colton just staring at my nose. Lord only knows what he is thinking.

Friday, March 8, 2013


It is humorous to listen to the various phrases Jared says. As all three year olds, he clearly is a human sponge for what he hears. Of course none of these he gets from me.

1. You're not my best friend anymore.
2. You get what you get, and you don't have a fit.
3. I'm not going to invite you to my 4 year old birthday party.
4. Oh my God (this is a new one...doesn't make me happy)
5. Fine, I don't care (this is an old one...doesn't make me happy)
6. You're not the boss of me. (Seems to say when we are trying to get him to do something)
7. It's too much! (Said at clean up time...not at cookie time)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A meaningful conversation

So this afternoon I decided I needed to tell Jared I would be going tomorrow to have surgery. This is how the conversation went:

Me: Tomorrow mom is going to go have surgery on her nose.
Jared: Why?
Me: I have to have the owie on my nose cut off. My nose will look icky afterwards, but I will be ok.
Jared: What type of scissors are they going to use? What doctor?
Me: Hopefully good scissors. Dr. Marsh.
Jared: like Mars Mickey. He looks like clubhouse Mickey, but he isn't. He lives on Mars. He has a thing on his head, but so does clubhouse Mickey. They are on Mars. They look alike. Clubhouse Mickey and Mars Mickey look alike. They have a spaceship....we need a spaceship. Mom, who is going to make our spaceship?
Me: I don't think we will get a spaceship.
Jared: We can use a rocket. Can I get a snack?

Good talk Jared.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Jared has never been a big fan of Sunday school. There were some unfortunate incidences in the nursery that has made him reluctant to embrace Sunday school. So, until recently Jared sat with us in the Sanctuary, a.k.a. "The big room." He now stays with us until the children's message and then goes to Sunday school. He LOVES the "thing around their neck guys." Today Jared demonstrated he knew all about it. He sang the hymn. Mark and I aren't sure what he was singing, but he was singing. Then he joined in for the prayer of confession. When it was time to "pass the peace" Jared promptly turned around and shook the hand of the guy behind us and told the guy "good morning."
As with everything we do, when we got home Jared wanted to play church. Luckily we have 4 "thing around their necks" to make our service complete. Jared wore a blanket so he could be the minster. He asked us to repeat him for the prayer. The first prayer said something about daughters and grandmothers, but we couldn't figure out the rest. Then it was time for another prayer, "Dear Jesus, thank you for our food...but we can't eat it in the big room anyway. Amen." Indeed.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


As all parents do, we talk to Jared about telling the truth. There have been some obvious slips along the way. Take for example when the jumperoo was moved. Jared was positive Colton moved it. Today I heard Jared in the bathroom longer than necessary. I ask what he is doing, "nofin." He comes out of the bathroom, and I quickly assess his makeup. However, his hair is crazy. So, I ask him what is in your hair? "Nofin." What did yo do to your hair? "Nofin." I don't point out to him I can see something in his hair and he smells like sweat pea. Not to mention the suds in his hair. I guess the hand soap was too appealing.
I decided not to mention the obvious lie. The itching the occurred when it dried seemed to be punishment enough.

The Adventures of Super Frog

I spend most of my days on Colton's shelf, silently making sure everything runs smoothly.

Today Jared decided I need to no longer soil myself, and he put me in a diaper. When he was all done, I was no longer just a frog, I was Super Frog.

I know I has special powers because mom found me in the crib. I must have flown there.

This is me flying

I sported my cape all day--even at the dance party.