Monday, September 23, 2013

Filling the Cup

The four year old birthday party is all cleaned up, new toys have been played with and cards have come down.  That means it's time for the four year old physical.  
When I made the appointment, a cup was given to us to collect first morning urine.  Yesterday, I got out the cup to remind myself it needed to be done.  Jared found much humor in the fact he would get to pee in a cup.  At bedtime, we discussed if he woke up early to call for help so he could pee in the cup.  As excited as he was about it, it is no surprise that at 4:52 he called to go potty so he could pee in the cup.  I had already decided this was a job for Daddy.  
When I saw Jared in the morning he proudly announced that he filled the cup.  He went on to explain he had more pee, but he just peed the extra pee in the toilet.  Ahh, good conversation for first thing in the morning.  
Fast forward in the day to the doctor's visit.  Jared has tagged along on all of Colton's wellness exams.  He is very familiar with the routine.  He takes the opportunity to ask, "why?"  "Why does the doctor look in my mouth?"  "Why does he move my legs?"  "Why does he take off my diaper and feel my penis?" (Never mind he doesn't wear diapers) As you can see, some answers were easier to supply than others.  
Once we are checked in at the doctor, Jared's curiosity continues.  "Why does he want my pee?"  "What happens if my pee is bad pee?"  "How do they know if I have good pee?"  "Do we get to take the extra pee home with us?"  "Do they have a big toilet back there?"  (Oh yes, much laughing when he said the word toilet)  "I'm not getting a shot, right?"  "But Colton doesn't always get a shot...why do I have to get one?"  "What?  Why do I have to have three shots?"

The actual time with the doctor was a success.  He was listening very closely.  When the doctor asked if I had any behavior concerns and I said no, Jared turned to me and smiled.  There was one part of the exam he found hysterical, I'll let you guess which part.  

Then it was time for shots.  I braced myself for all out fits of rage.  But other than a small cry on the first shot, there were no tears.  Even the doctor commented how brave he was.  I was happily surprised.  

On the way home we talked about how funny it would be to get a shot in the butt.  (Yes, much laughter ensued.)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Superhero Party

The Big 4 has arrived.  After months of playing Superheroes, I knew nothing would make Jared more happy than a Superhero Party.  After it was all done, I think my mission was accomplished.

First was the decorations. I bought a few things at the store, but find most of those to be a waste of money.  So, I made my own.  I printed out black and white pictures of Jared from this past year, and printed out colored speech bubbles.  I think it turned out really well.

I also started the tradition of making a shelf with the sign, "These are a few of my Favorite Things."  I place their favorite toys, books, games, etc. on this shelf.  It is personal touch and cost nothing.  In this case, it added to the Superhero theme.

For the party favors, I had each guest receive their own cape. Each guest was a different Superhero.  As I began planning the party, I knew nothing could be more exciting for Jared then everyone being a Superhero.

Even the adult guests got to be a Superhero.

I spent time trying to find great Superhero games.  I didn't have much luck.  So, I wrote down superpowers, and came up with some games.  Here is a link to the documents: Superhero party games

Game 1: Spiderman's Web.  I bought some cans of silly string from the dollar store. 

Game 2: Capture the Villain.  I printed out pictures of 10 villains.  I made a set for each guest.  Then I hid them.  Click  here to download the Villains.

Game 3: Shield/Frisbee Toss.  I had a stack of Frisbees and some boxes.  

Game 4: Kryptonite.  I really wanted to use Kryptonite in a game, but struggled for a good idea.  Since I already had the Villain capture I had to do something different.  So, I bough tongs from the dollar store.  I made blocks of ice using small plastic containers, and added green food coloring.  The object of the game is to move the Kryptonite from one bucket to another using the tongs.  Since the guests are all Superheroes, they can't touch the Kryptonite.  It was the kids favorite game.

Game 5: POW.  So, I didn't want actually fighting.  I figured I would just buy some punching balloons and have the kids do with them what they wanted. 

We made Bat signal Jell-O Jigglers. I had never made Jigglers before, but thought if this worked it would be pretty cool.

We made the a Captain America shield cake.

I also found lighting bolt ice cube trays.  I only had one tray.  So, I spent a week making ice cubes.  I thought they were neat.  The kids didn't even notice, but the adults did.

Well, we "Heroed up," and had a good time.  All of the effort was worth it, and Jared had a blast.  I'm sure he will remember it.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

It's 6:30 in Greenland

I have always been a pretty sound sleeper.  Having kids has changed that.  Waking all hours of the night to crying babies, makes you more aware of small sounds.  Having a sleep walking husband also makes me a littler sleeper.  I think there are times that I can still sleep pretty soundly.  Last night was one of those nights.

Around 3:30 last night I awake to Jared climbing on top of me in bed.  He scared the crap out of me.  I am so confused as to what is happening.  How did he get here?  What in the world is he doing?  What time is it?  Did I miss something?

Me: Jared, what are you doing?
Jared: I want to sleep in your bed?
Me: Huh?  What?
Jared: There is a 6 and a 3 in the front.
Me: (Looking at clock more closely) No, there is not.
Jared: Yes, there is.
Me: Look Jared, it starts with a 3.
Jared: But I want to sleep with you.
Me: Let's go potty instead.  (At 3 a.m. it seems logical to me that going potty is the same as sharing a bed)
Jared: Ok.  (At 3 a.m. it is logical to him to go potty instead of climbing into bed with mom and dad)

So, we go potty and get Jared back to bed.  I climb back into bed myself and think, how did he get so confused?  Perhaps he is taking after his father and has some sleep walking in his future.  Maybe he was just telling me what time it was in Greenland.  Tough to say.

Monday, September 9, 2013

A Few Scratches Along the Way

Jared got a bike for his 4 year old birthday.  Jared has never been a big fan of toys.  He always thinks he wants toys, but no matter how positive I am that he will love it, within a day or two the toy is forgotten.   Since Jared was turning 4, it seemed like time to buy a bike.  However, I was prepared for the fact he would just pretend to like it.

After much debating we went with a 18 inch wheel.  Not that this is relevant to the story, but buying a bike for a tall 4 year old is tricky.  After seeing Jared on the bike, it is a perfect fit.

Jared quickly took to the bike.  I quickly learned that chasing after him on a bike was more work than chasing after him on a tricycle.  Time for me to get down and dust off my two wheeler.

In the afternoon, we were ready to go on a real bike ride.  And boy did we go. After 30 minutes of riding, I finally convinced Jared to take a break and check on Colton and Dad.  I also played switch-a-roo and got dad on the bike. 

After another 30 minutes of riding, Mark and Jared appear around the corner. I am beginning to think we have turned a new leaf, and he finally has a toy that was worth every penny.  It has already been 60 minutes of fun.  Wohoo!  As I look at Jared I notice he is moving slow, but what do you expect after 60 minutes.  After he sees me, he stops and gets off his bike.  Strange he isn't riding home.  Then I see the blood pooling at the knee.  Apparently he fell a ways back, and had to hop back on to get home.  Mark reported there were tears when he fell, but there were no tears now.  He was being tough.

It was a classic scrape.  Pretty much a good old cement rug burn.  We got him bandaged, and had dinner.  While making dinner, I felt disappointment.  I know Jared.  He isn't going to want to do this again.  He is only going to remember the fall.  Just when I though I might get my money worth out of a toy, this happens.  Perhaps in the Spring it will be a fresh start and he will have new spirits about the bike.

Then, much to my surprise, after dinner Jared asks to go for another bike ride.  So, we go again.  We go REALLY slow as he is super cautious, but we go.  For half an hour we go.  And  despite falling two times, there were no more scratches.   I keep the hope alive that this toy is the winner.