Monday, January 13, 2014


I can't say I ever had a nickname that really stuck. I was always against people who tried to call be "Di."    Maybe because it sounds like , "DIE."  A few tried to call me "legs," but friends just don't call friends body parts.  At camp, nicknames were handed out like a badge, but "...mean" isn't really a nickname.  One can maybe wonder how nicknames come to be.  As I never really had one, it is hard to understand.  
As Colton is becoming more verbal and Jared and Colton interact more, it has been interesting to see them develop nicknames for each other.  One of Colton's first words was "Jared."  Sure, it was a little unclear, but it was "Jared."  I guess over time Colton decided that was just too much work.  He has abandoned "Jared" and now calls him, "Gee." It took Jared awhile a to pick up on this, but Jared now responds to "Gee."  It's so catchy, I have to stop myself from slipping and calling him "Gee" as well.

Jared has really taken to helping Colton.  Somewhere along the way of helping him, Jared starting calling Colton "Buddy."  It's such an innocent nickname.  Jared will even abbreviate to "Bud."  No worries, when they are arguing or he is getting Colton's attention, Jared will still loudly scream, "Colton."  I suppose this is why "Buddy" sounds so innocent.  

Who knows how long these nicknames will last.  I suppose years from now it might all be a memory I share with them.  I say the way to show you really love someone, you give them a nickname. 

Right Dada, Bratley, and Urn?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

67 Clothes Pins later

A scheduled play date that would leave 4 boys, ages 4 to age 1 1/2, inside for 5 hours had be nervous for the state of my house and my sanity.  
A trip to the store to buy some clothes pins and 75% off Christmas lights, and digging through the storage room for old sheets and I was armed and ready to go.  
This is not a fort for amatures.  This was some serious fort building.  It is complete with Christmas lights for illumination purposes.  The inside is pretty roomy.
Needless to say, both Colton and Jareed loved the fort.  There was much excitement as they explored their new territory.  Jared was quick to make plans for what him and his best friend would do in the fort.  

How well was it received on the play date?  Well, due to the flu play date was postponed for the 2nd time.  

Now that I have a supply of clothes pins, we can try again some other day...

Friday, January 3, 2014

Love grows

Being a mother is full of milestones.  As you cross each one, you think, "I love you so much, I could never love you more than this moment."  Before long, another milestone is hit and your love continues to multiply.  
There is the moment that you first hold you baby.  You heart is bursting with love, pride, and exhaustion.  And your love begins to grow.  Your baby rolls over for the first time, and it's as if he just won the gold medal. Your love grows. Hearing him say his first word, even when their first word isn't "mommy", your love grows. (After the 50th word, it wouldn't be so bad to hear "mommy")  
He falls, and breaks his leg.  You spend the next 5 weeks by his side all day long.  You love and determination to make it ok, get him through it.  And your love grows.  You watch them play, hear the sing, hold them as they cry, and your love grows.  We bake cookies together, go for bike rides together, and build sand castles together, and your love grows.  
When you least expect it, your love grows.  In the middle of the night you run to his room to find him ready to throw up.  With no time, and no options you offer your hands.  Before you know it, your hands are full of vomit.  The only thing you think of, "is he ok?"  Your love grows and you are strapping him into his boosters seat and putting a bib on.  He starts throwing up, and at the same time his brother starts throwing up.  It is vomiting in surround sound.  All though your head is full of many thoughts, you focus on, "help them, make them ok."  Yes, even when you least expect it, your love grows.  

Not a New Year Resolution

I realize it has been awhile since my last post.  I would be lying to say that my New Years resolution is to write more frequently; it is not.  Truth be told, there are just many days I have nothing to say.  Then there are days that I have a lot to say, but am too exhausted to even think about it.  Sitting on the couch watching Blacklist or something like a mindless Bravo show is more up my ally.  Then there was the challenge of finishing Colton's Christmas stocking.  There were times when I wanted to write something, felt like writing something, but needed to work on that.  There just isn't enough hours in the day.  When I start on cross stitching the tree skirt, you will probably never hear from me again.  Anyway, in the near future I do predict some new blog posts.  No promises of keeping my thoughts current, not that they ever were in the first place.